Coordinating Use of Resources in an Emergency: 155.17(c)(1)(vii&viii)


The following resources are available in the event of an emergency:

Telephone System All
Zoned Fire Alarm System All
Radio Station/Portable Radios Transportation Center
Maintenance Center
High School
Public Address System All except:
Transportation Center
First Aid Supplies All
Fire Extinguishers All
Electrical Generators, Built-in High School & ICC Building
Water Supply – Fire All
Food Storage All
Liquid Chlorine Tank High School

Liquid Propane Fuel Storage

Vehicle Fuel Storage (Unleaded & Diesel)

 ICC & High School

ICC Maint. & Trans.

Flashlights, Batteries All
Maps All
Building Floor Plans All
Buses Transportation Center
Pick-up Trucks, Vans, Snowplows Maintenance Center
Maintenance Tools & Equipment:
Portable Electrical Generator
Portable Water/Mud Pump
Portable Welder
Portable Lifts
Maintenance Center



Staging and treatment areas will vary depending on the location of the emergency. Administrators, Supervisory staff and specific individuals will be trained to contact emergency responders, to identify the location of the emergency and identify appropriate areas for staging and treatment. The 911 Center will direct responding police units to travel to this location, specifying the safest and most practical route of travel. Upon arriving, the appropriate emergency responder will either accept or relocate the established staging and treatment areas.


In the event of a full-scale evacuation of a school, the Incident Command Post will be established at the location specified in the Building Emergency Response Plan, or as otherwise directed by the Incident Commander. This location will be used without regard to where the evacuees are going. In the event the Emergency requires less than a full-scale evacuation of any school the location of the Command Post shall be determined by the Incident Commander. It shall be established in a safe and accessible location within the outer perimeter. Whenever possible, the Command Post should have the availability of land-line telephone communications.


The following District personnel may be summoned to the Incident Command Post during a declared emergency:

  1. The Building Administrator or Site Supervisor, or in his or her absence, a designated staff person. He or she shall be designated the Incident Commander until law enforcement or emergency services personnel arrive. He or she shall bring the Emergency Response Bag for the affected school.
  2. The Director of Facilities, or in his or her absence, a designated member of the Maintenance and Operations staff. He or she shall bring a radio capable of operating on District radio frequencies.
  3. The School Safety Team for the affected building should report immediately to the designated command post unless otherwise instructed.
  4. Other personnel as directed by the Incident Commander.


  1. The Superintendent, or a designated administrator, will represent The Fayetteville-ManliusSchool District as part of the staff at the Command
  2. The Superintendent or designee will be responsible for acting as liaison between the Incident Commander and the faculty and staff. He or she will act as the representative of The Fayetteville-Manlius District, will facilitate the Fayetteville-Manlius School District’s response to the emergency, and advise the Incident Commander with regard to problems or concerns brought to his or her attention by faculty, staff or students.
  3. The Superintendent or designee shall also be responsible for:• Mobilizing District personnel and resources as necessary• Designating a staff member to organize the District’s response as parents or guardians inquire either via telephone or in person as to the health and safety of their children• Providing information to District Spokesperson with the approval of the Incident Commander• Performing other duties as assigned by the Incident Commander

    • Maintaining an updated list of radio and television station telephone numbers for use in an emergency. A copy of the list has been provided to selected administrators

    • Reviewing and revising this Plan, as necessary, at least once per year and ensuring that any updates to the Plan, including the building specific appendices, are distributed to all holders of the Plan including emergency services agencies

    • Directing that each Building Administrator review the Building Emergency Response Plan for his or her school to update any personnel changes.

    • A copy of any changes shall be sent to the Superintendent for inclusion in the Emergency Response Bag/”Gotta Go Bag” at each site, with copies provided to emergency response agencies.

  4. The Superintendent, or designee will maintain contact with the buildings affected by the Emergency. When notified of an Emergency, the
    Superintendent’s office will ensure that Police and Emergency Agencies have been notified as a first priority. The Superintendent’s office will also alert the Business Office, the Director of Facilities, and the District Spokesperson, where appropriate.
  5. If an evacuation is ordered and off-site location sheltering is initiated, the Superintendent or designee may request District Office personnel to report to the relocation site to help assist with the arrival of students from the building affected by the emergency.


  1. Review this Plan and the Building Emergency Response Plan for your school prior to each school year with the Building Administrator.
  2. Provide collaborative support and assistance for Fire and Rescue Personnel.
  3. Establish plans for the transport of all staff and students for each school building upon evacuation.
  4. Work with the Building Administrator or site supervisor who will make arrangements for creating maps or folders which will show the Designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) for each school and for determining pick-up of students and handicapped passengers at each school’s Designated assembly areas (see building level Emergency Reponse plan(s), section 9) and delivery of students at each school’s designated Relocation/Reunification Center.
  5. Maintain close contact with the Incident Commander at the Emergency Command Post.
  6. Prepare a plan for food preparation/distribution during situations that require students/staff to be sheltered for an extended period.


In the event of an Emergency, the faculty and staff will have the following duties:

  1. Each teacher and non-instructional staff member must immediately notify the Building Administrator whenever a situation arises that threatens the safety of an individual. At no time, should a staff person place themselves at risk and attempt to deal with an Emergency such as a fire or dangerous intruder. It is essential that no time is lost in communicating the existence of an Emergency so outside
  2. Help can be summoned and the Building Response Team for the school can be alerted to initiate the correct emergency response. It is imperative that the guidelines contained within this plan be followed in the event of an Emergency.
  3. All District employees have responsibility to protect and maintain the health, safety, and welfare of students. Staff members may be assigned to accompany and supervise students. In an Emergency, ordinary rules of work hours, work sites, job descriptions and other contractual provisions are subject to State, County, or District directives.
  4. Faculty and staff shall, when instructed by the Building Administrator, direct the safe and orderly evacuation of students and lead them to designated Safety Zone, avoiding any hazard zones.
  5. Building Administrators will designate staff to bring the Emergency Response/“Gotta-Go Bag” for all emergencies. This bag is to be brought out for all evacuations (inside, outside and off site). It should be within close reach and accessible at all times, and should be checked and updated regularly. This bag should minimally contain:
    • A flashlight and spare batteries
    • Updated class rosters for each class using the room
    • Emergency evacuation (including assisted evacuation) plans
    • Non-Latex gloves
    • Pen and paper
    • Names and telephone numbers of crisis team members
    • List of assigned roles for school personnel and division personnel
    • If you have been assigned a walkie-talkie (two-way) radio, the batteries need to be checked regularly and a spare battery kept near the radio
  6. Special area teachers and non-instructional employees shall report to the designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) and help where needed to chaperone or supervise students.
  7. Upon arrival at the designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) or relocation site, the faculty will be responsible for assisting in identifying missing students. Thereafter, they shall be responsible for maintaining order, providing support, and escorting students to Safety Zones or relocation site.
  8. In the event that faculty, staff or students cannot be evacuated from an area, the faculty and staff shall take measures to protect the students in place until a rescue can be accomplished.


The custodial staff shall follow the direction of the Director of Facilities, the Building Administrator or the incident commander depending upon the situation. The custodial staff may be called upon to do the following during an Emergency:

  1. Shut down gas, electricity, and/or water if needed depending upon damage to the building. Otherwise, maintain utilities and building systems as directed.
  2. Maintain communication and be sure that radio communication is “open” throughout the Emergency situation.
  3. Provide support and be alert to needs of staff and students.
  4. Cooperate with police, fire and EMS personnel, and provide requested information, advice, assistance, and active support.
  5. Secure the building and check to ensure that everyone is evacuated.


The school nurse for each building shall have the following duties in the event of an emergency:

  1. Plan a Treatment Area to handle injuries, and work in advance to be sure there is a procedure to provide care for injured students and staff during any emergency. Collaborate with the Building Administrator to create this plan and ensure that adult help is available, as part of this plan, should the need arise. Remember that this area may have to be located in the designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) or at a Relocation Center away from the normal supplies at school. Coordinate identification of treatment area in advance with EMS.
  2. Maintain adequate supplies for emergencies (a second Emergency Response/ Gotta Go Bag is stored in the building nurses office). Part of this need will include First Aid Kits that can be taken to the command post or relocation sites should the need arise.
  3. In the event of an evacuation, the School Nurse shall be responsible for bringing medical records of those students with special needs and any medications to be dispensed to the designated Treatment Area. There the nurse will assist EMS personnel in evaluating and treating injured persons.
  4. Carry out first aid in the designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) and/or at the Relocation Site as needed.
  5. Maintain a list of emergency medical conditions and needs for all students.


In the event of an Emergency, the Director of Facilities will have the following duties:

  1. Mobilize maintenance personnel to assist (where appropriate) the school building affected by the Emergency. If electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and other building concerns need to be addressed because of the emergency, he or she will coordinate the delivery of these services.
  2. Mobilize maintenance: Be prepared to share blueprints for any and all school buildings to police or Emergency officials whenever needed.
  3. The Director of Facilities will also set up:
    • A system for sharing blueprints of our buildings if needed during an
    • A system for alerting his/her staff to assignments either during or after any
      Emergency. This would include possible cleanup duties after an
    • A procedure for the assignment and use of powered equipment,
      maintenance vehicles, and other equipment from the Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District to assist as part of any Emergency.
  4. Radio communications with the building(s) affected by an Emergency, and with local law enforcement so that maintenance efforts are efficiently and safely conducted. Report to the Command Post, bringing any building plans, system operating instructions or other materials that may be of value to Emergency personnel.
  5. Recommend a plan and process for resuming normal school operations. Work with Emergency Personnel and the Building Administrator to return school operations to normal as soon as possible.


As directed by the Building Administrator, the building secretarial and support staff shall take an active role in performing the following tasks:

  1. Assist with communications by maintaining the radio and/or phone contact. Alert appropriate agencies and District personnel.
  2. Provide information to staff as directed and ensure that enrollment and medical emergency cards are available to proper school officials or rescue personnel.
  3. Assist the school nurse, teachers, or other colleagues as directed.
  4. Establish and implement a procedure for checking out students to parents or guardians who come to school to take students home. Also, set up an “office” in the Designated assembly areas (see building level plan(s), section 9) if this area is activated.


In any situation where normal school activities are disrupted, it is crucial to recognize the obligation to inform the public of the problem and how the Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District is responding to it. The Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District will use public information procedures on a regular basis to announce school emergencies, cancellations and dismissals. The Superintendent or designee shall assign a person to serve as District Spokesperson and Spokesperson for the Incident Commander. The Spokesperson will be responsible for organizing information that is transmitted to the media and to parents during emergencies.

  1. The overall functions of the Spokesperson will be:
    • Fact Sheet as needed.
    • To provide correct information to the public, by telephone, media or letter as appropriate, as to what is occurring and District response;
    • To coordinate with other agencies that may be responding to the situation to ensure that the public is receiving a clear and consistent report of official information;
    • To act as a liaison between the media, the public and District administration who are involved in decision making and the operational response to the emergency;
    • To organize the Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District response to parents; and
    • To provide for rumor control by keeping a TV set or radio tuned to a news station in Command Center only (not in classrooms and/or public places). The Spokesperson shall verify ALL facts heard and provide updates as appropriate.
  2. The Spokesperson shall respond to the designated Media Assembly Area and clearly identify himself or herself to the press as the official Spokesperson for the Incident Commander.
  3. All news releases and public statements on behalf of the Fayetteville-Manlius School District shall be made by the Spokesperson, or with his or her prior approval. Other persons should not submit to interviews or make statements without first conferring with the Spokesperson.
  4. The Spokesperson shall NOT provide speculative information or offer opinions with regards to:• Causes or motives for the incident
    • Extent of casualties or damage
    • Expected duration of the operation
    • Liability or responsibility for the incident
    • Tactical responses, operations or considerations
  5. All information released to the public must be factual or confirmed by the Incident Commander. The Spokesperson shall relay specific inquiries to the Command Post, which will respond to the media through the Spokesperson.
  6. The Spokesperson should request that the media direct all parents to the person(s) specified in the Building Emergency Response Plan for information about, and reunification with, their children.


In the event of an Emergency, the Transportation Supervisor will have the following duties:

  1. Maintain a roster of vehicle drivers including telephone numbers (home and alternate employment) where they can be reached for recall during an emergency. Part of this plan will be the development of a procedure by which drivers can be called back to perform this service.
  2. Maintain a roster of vehicle availability, in district and from outside resources, in order to put vehicles into operation during an emergency.
  3. Maintain a list of all students who are handicapped and non-ambulatory that require transportation in a specially equipped bus.
  4. Map the safest and fastest route to the pre-determined re-location site(s) for each school. Insure that all vehicle drivers are aware of and familiar with this route.
  5. Establish plans for the transport of all staff and students for each school building upon evacuation.
  6. Maintain close contact with the Building Administrator or Incident Commander at the Emergency Command Post. The Transportation Center will function and often serve as hub for centralized communication during an Emergency. Transportation Personnel along with Administrative Staff will assist in every way possible during all Emergencies.
  7. The Transportation Supervisor and law enforcement may declare at any time during an Emergency ALERT, which means ALL radio traffic not related to the emergency ceases. Normal radio traffic may resume only AFTER the Transportation Supervisor or law enforcement official cancels the alert.


In the event of an Emergency, the School Lunch Manager shall:

  1. Prepare a plan for food preparation/distribution according to each possible Emergency where food service might be needed over a longer term.
  2. Include in the food preparation/distribution plan the possibility that your school may be used as a Relocation Center and that this will mean additional students/staff to feed beyond the normal number at a school.
  3. Communicate fully with the Building Administrator and Head Custodian in their building to provide food service if needed.
  4. If food service is not needed, establish a way by which members of the building’s food service team can assist other colleagues (secretaries, nurse, teachers, etc.).
  5. If there is damage to equipment or kitchen/dining room/freezer-refrigerator/food storage, assess damage or loss and report status of the operation to the Building Administrator.
  6. Prepare a plan for food preparation/distribution according to each possible emergency where food service might be needed over a longer term.