Code of Conduct Article X: Related Board of Education Policies

The following board of education policies are directly related to the conduct of students, staff, or visitors in the school environment. Some of these policies have Administrative Regulations for their implementation:

  • 3210 Visitors to the School
  • 3290 Operation of Motor-Driven Vehicles on District Property
  • 5640 Smoking/Tobacco Use
  • 5730 Bus Safety
  • 6150 Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances
  • 6151 Drug-Free Workplace
  • 7311 Loss or Destruction of District Property or Resources
  • 7320 Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse
  • 7313 Suspension of Students
  • 7420 Athletics Program
  • 7530 Child Abuse and Maltreatment

In some cases, the text of a policy is included verbatim or in substance within the code; in other cases, only reference to a policy is made. In the former case, a change in either the code or a policy may require change in both.

In the latter, change to a policy may be made independently to the code.