School Counseling Plan: Delivery System

School counselors provide services to students, parents, school staff and the community in the following areas: Direct Student Services (Core Curriculum, Individual Student Planning, and Responsive Services), Indirect Student Services, and System Support. At least 80% of an F-M school counselor’s time is spent working directly and indirectly to support students. No more than 20% of an F-M school counselor’s time is spent on system support.

Direct Student Services

The school counseling/guidance core curriculum instruction is provided in classes/small groups to address student competencies related to academic skills, career/college readiness, and social/emotional development by a certified school counselor.

Direct student services include:

  • Individual counseling, assessment and advisement
  • Responsive services
  • Crisis response interventions
  • Group counseling
  • Core curriculum and classroom activities
  • Post-secondary education and career planning
  • Attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment monitoring and support
  • Parent/guardian engagement

Core Curriculum

The Fayetteville-Manlius school counselors have developed maps using Rubicon Atlas software. Each level identifies essential questions, desired outcomes, assessment evidence, and resources and activities to support learning. The curriculum maps are intended to be active, evolving documents with an annual review and updates. Curriculum maps are especially beneficial to new counselors, who are able to quickly assimilate to F-M’s counseling program at each level.

Individual Student Planning

Counselors monitor students’ progress so they may achieve success in academic, college/career and social/emotional areas. This may be accomplished through:

  • Individual Meetings: Working with students to analyze and evaluate abilities, interests, skills, and achievement.
  • Case Management: Monitor individual student’s progress on a regular basis.
  • Placement: Collaborate with students, parents and school staff in determining the best educational setting for students as they meet their goals.

Responsive Services

School counselors provide support and interventions to meet the needs of students. This may be accomplished through:

  • Individual and Small Group Counseling: Counseling is provided for students experiencing social, emotional, personal, or academic difficulties.
  • Crisis Counseling: Short-term counseling is provided to students, families or staff as an immediate intervention to a crisis or emergency situation.

Indirect Student Services

School counselors work behind the scenes to ensure students benefit from their education. This may be accomplished through:

  • Making referrals to appropriately licensed or certified individuals, either inside or outside of the school setting
  • Consulting and/or collaborating with families, school staff and community agencies
  • Providing leadership and advocacy on behalf of students and families

System Support 

School counselors review and assess the effectiveness of the counseling program. This is accomplished through:

  • Collaboration: Participate in building and district-wide committees.
  • Professional Development: Participate in on-going training, workshops, conferences, meetings, and college visits.
  • Communication: Provide information about school counseling events utilizing such social media as Remind, Schoology, Instagram and Facebook and email blasts.
  • Program Management and Evaluation: Collect and analyze data to evaluate the program and make adjustments as needed