Code of Conduct Article IV: Search and Seizure

All students will be issued two types of lockers in which to keep school-related materials. The hall locker is for the students’ books, coat, lunch, etc. while one  issued for physical education is merely for temporary storage of clothing. All lockers, locks, combinations, and/or keys are the property of the school;  students are not to put personal locks on their hall lockers. Lockers may not  be used for the storage of any materials, the possession of which violates the law or this Code of Conduct.

Students are strongly encouraged not to divulge their combination to any  other person. This will help to ensure security, since the school is not  responsible for items missing from lockers. Students should take extra precautions before they leave a locker to be sure that it is locked and not set  to open position. Turn the dial to another position so that all numbers must be reset to open, ensuring the locker is properly secure. If students discover something missing from their locker, they should report the loss to an  administrator.

Lockers and desks are provided for student convenience, but are the property  of the school District. Students have no expectation of privacy for anything contained in lockers or desks. The District reserves the right of school administrators to conduct periodic inspections of lockers and/or desks for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a  search warrant. Searches of a student and/or his/her possessions or automobile will be governed by the reasonable suspicion standard established by the administration. In addition, drug detecting dogs may be used in accordance with applicable law.