Emergency Drills & Exercises: 155.17(c)(1)(xiv&xv)


The Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District program sites will hold one annual early dismissal and sheltering drill as well as routine fire drills. Periodic exercises and drills will also ensure the school staff’s ability to effectively respond to emergencies and reveal shortcomings in the emergency plan.

  1. Each Building Administrator will make arrangements to conduct the drills for their building. These drills must be conducted in accordance with State Education Department regulations:• Conducted at least once every school year;• Inclusive of transportation and communication procedures; and;

    • Held with at least one week’s notice to parents or guardians

    • Early dismissal drills shall occur not more than fifteen (15) minutes earlier than normal dismissal time.

  2. If requested, the Building Safety Team will assist in conducting drills. The Building Safety Team will evaluate the response, with local police and fire departments if possible, in order to improve the overall level of preparedness.
  3. Emergency services agencies and the Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District will cooperatively conduct meetings to discuss the Building Emergency Response Plans. Periodic exercises will assess the emergency responses outlined in the plan and the ability of participants in a simulated emergency. Such training may include “tabletop exercises” where participants do a verbal walk through of an emergency response situation. The School Safety Team for each building is available to assist in coordinating these simulations. This test is intended to reveal and correct any shortcomings within the plan.


A total of 12 emergency drills shall be conducted each year, with eight occurring before December 31st. Four (4) of the 12 required drills MUST be Lockdown Drills, The remaining 8 can be evacuation drills (Fire Drills). The Building Administrator will make the appropriate local emergency responder officials aware of the timing of these drills. Emergency drills must be taken seriously at all times. From the time the alarm sounds, until occupants are back in the building or an all clear has been given, there should be no talking during these drills. In buildings where students are housed, teachers shall implement the following procedures for evacuation/Fire Drills:

  1. See that doors and windows are closed, doors unlocked, and lights are out before leaving their classroom (if safe to do so).
  2. Take class list (if safe) and take attendance (if possible). Report missing students to the Building Administrator after students are safely outside.
  3. Move students quickly to the designated exits.
  4. Escort the class to a safe distance from the building and remain with students until called back into the building.
  5. Be sure students know a minimum of two alternate escape routes from any classrooms they will be in throughout the day.
    • Fire exits are marked on the floor plans of every building. Each room must
      contain a floor plan showing fire exits. All staff must become familiar with
    • Be sure that staff and students know alternate escape routes from the classroom.