Voters to decide on public library propositions May 21

On May 21, when Fayetteville-Manlius School District residents vote on the proposed 2024-25 school budget, they will also have the opportunity to vote on two public library propositions: one to levy and collect a tax in the amount of $2,043,278 for the Fayetteville Free Library and the other to levy and collect a tax in the amount of $1,470,568 for the Manlius Library.

If voters approve the propositions, the school district would annually levy and collect taxes in the new amount for the libraries beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year. The amount authorized for library services is listed as a separate line on residents’ tax bills.

New York state education law allows libraries to place a funding proposition on school district ballots and requires school districts, at the libraries’ requests, to levy and collect taxes for libraries.

The libraries are separate legal entities from the school district, with their own funding and budgets. The amount of the tax levy collected by a school district for a library remains the same each year until the library requests a proposition to change that amount.

The school district does not endorse, control or recommend any aspect of how the libraries spend money.

Library Budget Information

More information about each library and its budget is available at their respective websites.

Fayetteville Free Library

315-637-6374; extension 307

Manlius Library


May 21 Ballot

In addition to voting on two library propositions, district residents will also vote on:

More information about the vote is available on the budget and finance section of the district website.