Wellwood Middle School is one of two middle schools in the Fayetteville-Manlius School District. Our school serves children in grades 5-8 with a population of approximately 660 students. Located in Fayetteville, our picturesque campus is one of the village’s more stately and historic landmarks. The school has a long and proud tradition of excellence. At Wellwood Middle School, we believe in the dignity and worth of each and every student and recognize the importance of their responsibilities to their fellow citizens in the community. We believe that our students should have opportunities for an education consistent with their individual capabilities and with their personal and social needs.
We believe in setting high expectations for students and staff alike. Although academic achievement will be a primary focus, our hope for the students at Wellwood is to also embrace high standards of civility, character, tolerance and trust.
The students here at Wellwood will be presented with diverse and meaningful experiences that acknowledge each individual’s intellectual, physical, social and emotional differences. Taking full advantage of these opportunities will certainly make the middle school years productive and enjoyable.
As our students grow and mature, it is important to realize that they all can learn and achieve in the classroom and, at the same time, explore their own special interests in other areas. Wellwood is committed to making these years the best they can possibly be.
Trisha Fogarty, Principal