Fiscal Capacity and Responsibility: 2020-2021

The budget and spending plan support educational excellence and quality facilities while being sensitive to the taxpayers of the district.

Goal: Maintain a strong financial position through the optimization of revenues and cost-effective business practices.

  • The district continues to review business practices and implements best practices when cost efficient. In addition, the district conducts an ongoing review of costs to determine if and when cost reductions can be made without impacting the educational program and extracurricular programs it offers to students.

Goal: Complete capital improvement projects on time and within budget to improve learning spaces, building security and accessibility.

  • The 2017 voter-approved capital project included work at Enders Road Elementary, F-M High School and Wellwood Middle School and included additions to Enders Road and Wellwood. The elementary and high school projects were completed on time and under budget in fall 2019, and the work at Wellwood is expected to be done ahead of its anticipated September 2023 completion. Some areas have already been completed and were in use during 2021, such as the music rooms, art rooms and cafeteria. The first and third floor renovations, along with renovations to other instructional spaces, are expected to be in use this fall. The projects focused on improving teaching and learning, enhancing building security and improving accessibility within the schools, while making necessary upgrades to building infrastructure that was at the end of its useful life.

Goal: Monitor the long-range facilities plan to ensure that district facilities are responsive to contemporary teaching and learning needs and support a productive work environment for all employees.

  • The board of education’s facilities committee continues to have discussions with district and building administration related to needed building renovations, including the improvement to collaborative educational spaces and improvements to heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in all buildings.