New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD) Central North Zone has named Fayetteville-Manlius School District educator Matthew Murphy its 2020 Physical Education Coordinator of the Year.
Murphy coordinates F-M’s physical education program and teaches the course at Fayetteville Elementary School. He also coaches at the varsity and modified levels and coordinates an annual community soccer camp.
“We’re so fortunate to have him on our team,” F-M Director of Athletics and Physical Education Scott Sugar said.
Murphy has worked at F-M for 14 years. In addition to teaching and coaching, he serves on the district’s Curriculum Council and Professional Development team. At the school-level, Murphy advises Fayetteville Elementary’s student council group and is a Building Action Plan team member.
NYS AHPERD represents educators, coaches and worksite health professionals who are interested in promoting health, physical education, recreation, and dance in kindergarten through higher education settings in New York state.